chevron_rightWhen is heavy trash pick up day?
every regular trash day, for more info see Best Trash or SWH Best Trash info
chevron_rightWhen is the South Woodland Hills annual garage sale?
Individual yard sales are not permitted in South Woodland Hills per our deed restrictions. There are several local websites that offer online sales. Several nearby villages have one or two community wide sales per year. South Woodland Hills has one community yard sale date October 19, from 7am to 2pm. (no rain date) The community association will post signs around the neighborhood entrances announcing the event. We encourage individual garage sales to promote their own sale by signs that are removed after the sale and on social media.
chevron_rightWhen is my SWHVCA assessment due?
For 2024, the assessment is due by January 31, 2024. You will receive a statement in the mail with payment instructions through Spectrum, the management company for SWHVCA.Property owners in South Woodland Hills are also members of the Woodland Hills Trail Association. The trail association serves members of both North and South Woodland Hills and is a separate entity. The trails assessment is billed and paid separately from South Woodland Hills through SterlingASI.
chevron_rightHow do I report a malfunctioning streetlight?
contact CenterPoint Energy with this Report a Street Light Outage Form and provide information including the number from the light pole
chevron_rightWhere do I get a K sticker?
K StickerSouth Woodland Hills is a member of the Kingwood Service Association. Numbered K stickers are required for each vehicle in a KSA park. (River Grove, Deer Ridge, *East End) To get a K sticker, fill out the form, and bring a copy of vehicle registration receipt and a Texas drivers license or a Texas drivers license, current vehicle registration renewal notice, and current vehicle insurance. The stickers may be picked up at the Kingwood Association Management office at 1075 Kingwood Drive, Ste. (in the back of the Chase bank building)
chevron_rightHow do I get pool tags?
See the POOL page for pool tag pick up dates in the Spring of 2024