Deed Restrictions & Architectural Control
Since South Woodland Hills is a deed restricted community, all exterior changes to your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Complete the architectural review form and submit it for approval, prior to beginning your project improvements such as exterior painting, driveways, building additions, etc. If you ever have any questions concerning how to complete the applications, guidelines on what is or is not an approvable project, or any other questions, please feel free to contact Spectrum.
Fill out the form from the Spectrum website and send it to Spectrum for approval: Request for Approval of Improvements Form
Fill out the form from the Spectrum website and send it to Spectrum for approval: Request for Approval of Improvements Form
South Woodland Hills is a deed restricted community. Any proposed modifications to the exterior of a home in South Woodland Hills are subject to review and approval by the Architectural Committee and/or the Board of Directors. If you wish to make any changes, including repainting your home, adding a new roof or any other exterior modifications, you must obtain approval prior to starting work. You can view the specific deed restrictions to your neighborhood section on the documents page. Please contact Spectrum and they will help you through the process. We all want to protect and maintain the value of our homes and property. Your cooperation is essential to keep our community beautiful.
Reminder: Parking vehicles on a yard is prohibited in South Woodland Hills by City of Houston ordinance No. 2009-59 subject to a $150 fine
View South Woodland Hills Village approved COLOR SWATCHES for submitting on your improvement form that you can purchase at any paint retailer (online selection provided by Sherwin-Williams)
DISCLAIMER: This condensation was prepared by the SWHVCA Board of Directors as a handy aid for property owners and is not official. A copy of the official deed restrictions is located under Documents. There is a separate copy for each section of the village. Each section's copy differs slightly and is about 12 pages long.
1. Only one single-family residence on a full lot.
2. No business or offensive activities on any long, or anything which becomes an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
3. No oil or mining operations on any lot.
4. No building or remodeling may proceed until plans have been submitted and approved in writing by the SWHCA Board of Directors.
5. No residence shall exceed two stories in height and garage for more than 3 cars.
6. No open carports permitted.
7. Quarters over the garage may be occupied only by an integral part of the family or by servants.
8. The minimum living area of the main structure is specified and varies by section.
9. No structure shall be erected on any easements.
10. No wall, fence, or hedge in excess of two feet shall be erected nearer to the front lot line than the front wall of the residence.
11. No side or rear wall, fence or hedge shall be more than 6 feet in height.
12. Side or rear fences on lots adjoining the greenbelt shall be exactly six feet high, boards in their natural state. Exceptions can be made by the SWHVCA Board.
13. No object may obstruct driver's vision on corner lots.
14. No movable building except during first construction shall be placed on any lot.
15. No temporary structure, trailer, or tent shall be used as living quarters.
16. No activity, whether for profit or not, shall be carried on any lot which is not related to single-family residence purposes, except builder sales offices.
17. Any building used for accessory or storage purposes shall be limited to eight feet in height and must be specifically approved by the SWHVCA Board.
18. No boats, campers, trailers, buses, inoperative vehicles of any kind, camp rigs off trucks, or boat rigging or other similar items or conveyances shall be parked or stored permanently on any public street, right of way, or on driveways. Permanent or semi-permanent storage of such vehicles or items must be screened from public view, either within the garage or behind a solid fence.
19. The SWHVCA board shall adopt minimum construction standards.
20. Walkways and driveways connecting to the main residence are required and must be constructed with standard concrete, brick, stone, or masonry. Driveways must join with the surface of the roadway and be constructed in a workman-like manor.
21. No window or wall type air conditioners are permitted.
22. Each kitchen in each dwelling shall have a working garbage disposal.
23. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot except dogs, cats, or other common household pets, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for commercial purposes or in unreasonable numbers. All animals or pets must be leashed or restrained within an adequate enclosure. Not withstanding the foregoing, no animals or fowl may be kept on the property which results in an annoyance or are obnoxious to residents in the vicinity.
24. The drying of clothes in public view is prohibited.
25. All lots shall be kept at all times in a sanitary, healthful, and attractive condition, i.e., trimming and cutting grass, hedges, etc., and removing rubbish. Burning trash is prohibited. Yard equipment, woodpiles, or storage piles shall be kept concealed from view.
26. No electronic antenna or device of any type other than an antenna for receiving normal television signals shall be placed on any lot.
27. No lot shall be used for the storage of commercial products.
28. The digging or removal of dirt is prohibited except for landscaping or approved construction.
29. No trees shall be removed except for construction or to removed dead or unsightly trees.
30. All houses and garages shall be maintained in good repair and must be painted when necessary.
31. If the owner of a lot fails to observe any of items 21-31 above, the SWHVCA Board or its assignee may enter upon said lot, correct the deficiency, and charge the owner of such lot for the cost of such work.
32. No signs of any kinds shall be placed on any lot except one sign advertising the property for sale or rent.
33. No outside toilets shall be permitted.
34. The drainage of sewage into a road, street, alley or ditch, either directly or indirectly is strictly prohibited.
2. No business or offensive activities on any long, or anything which becomes an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
3. No oil or mining operations on any lot.
4. No building or remodeling may proceed until plans have been submitted and approved in writing by the SWHCA Board of Directors.
5. No residence shall exceed two stories in height and garage for more than 3 cars.
6. No open carports permitted.
7. Quarters over the garage may be occupied only by an integral part of the family or by servants.
8. The minimum living area of the main structure is specified and varies by section.
9. No structure shall be erected on any easements.
10. No wall, fence, or hedge in excess of two feet shall be erected nearer to the front lot line than the front wall of the residence.
11. No side or rear wall, fence or hedge shall be more than 6 feet in height.
12. Side or rear fences on lots adjoining the greenbelt shall be exactly six feet high, boards in their natural state. Exceptions can be made by the SWHVCA Board.
13. No object may obstruct driver's vision on corner lots.
14. No movable building except during first construction shall be placed on any lot.
15. No temporary structure, trailer, or tent shall be used as living quarters.
16. No activity, whether for profit or not, shall be carried on any lot which is not related to single-family residence purposes, except builder sales offices.
17. Any building used for accessory or storage purposes shall be limited to eight feet in height and must be specifically approved by the SWHVCA Board.
18. No boats, campers, trailers, buses, inoperative vehicles of any kind, camp rigs off trucks, or boat rigging or other similar items or conveyances shall be parked or stored permanently on any public street, right of way, or on driveways. Permanent or semi-permanent storage of such vehicles or items must be screened from public view, either within the garage or behind a solid fence.
19. The SWHVCA board shall adopt minimum construction standards.
20. Walkways and driveways connecting to the main residence are required and must be constructed with standard concrete, brick, stone, or masonry. Driveways must join with the surface of the roadway and be constructed in a workman-like manor.
21. No window or wall type air conditioners are permitted.
22. Each kitchen in each dwelling shall have a working garbage disposal.
23. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any lot except dogs, cats, or other common household pets, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for commercial purposes or in unreasonable numbers. All animals or pets must be leashed or restrained within an adequate enclosure. Not withstanding the foregoing, no animals or fowl may be kept on the property which results in an annoyance or are obnoxious to residents in the vicinity.
24. The drying of clothes in public view is prohibited.
25. All lots shall be kept at all times in a sanitary, healthful, and attractive condition, i.e., trimming and cutting grass, hedges, etc., and removing rubbish. Burning trash is prohibited. Yard equipment, woodpiles, or storage piles shall be kept concealed from view.
26. No electronic antenna or device of any type other than an antenna for receiving normal television signals shall be placed on any lot.
27. No lot shall be used for the storage of commercial products.
28. The digging or removal of dirt is prohibited except for landscaping or approved construction.
29. No trees shall be removed except for construction or to removed dead or unsightly trees.
30. All houses and garages shall be maintained in good repair and must be painted when necessary.
31. If the owner of a lot fails to observe any of items 21-31 above, the SWHVCA Board or its assignee may enter upon said lot, correct the deficiency, and charge the owner of such lot for the cost of such work.
32. No signs of any kinds shall be placed on any lot except one sign advertising the property for sale or rent.
33. No outside toilets shall be permitted.
34. The drainage of sewage into a road, street, alley or ditch, either directly or indirectly is strictly prohibited.