Community Improvement Projects
Posted on Feb 1st, 2020
News from SWHVCA:
Several projects are in progress to update our neighborhood pool complex. Funds for the pool updates have been set aside for many years in a reserve fund. The association budgets a portion of dues every year to a reserve fund for capital replacement and maintenance items such as the projects now underway. The pool resurfacing and bathroom remodel have been pushed back many years beyond the projected time for updating the facilities. The smaller projects are updates to make the fencing and gates more functional and a new Kingwood nature themed mural in the community room. Exterior building lights were recently upgraded to new LED fixtures to complement the bright park lights added by the Woodland Hills Trails Association. The pool restrooms are being completely renovated. The biggest project is the pool resurfacing, new pool deck, baby pool shade and modernization of the baby pool. The new baby pool will feature a shade sale, ramp style entry and replacing the turtle feature with a more interactive set of gentle water bubblers. The website was also recently updated to a more mobile friendly design. The Woodland Grove entryway landscaping project with new lighting was completed in the last quarter of 2019. South Woodland Hills Village Community Association is committed to keeping our neighborhood an attractive and enjoyable place to live!